Gwen Moore – Wisconsin lawmaker hits the target with claim on racial background of death row prisoners

The Truth-o-Meter says: True | Wisconsin lawmaker hits the target with claim on racial background of death row prisoners

Wisconsin was one of the first states to abolish capital punishment, on July 10, 1853.  The move followed the 1851 execution of John McCaffary, the first and last person to be executed under Wisconsin state law. More than 2,000 people witnessed the execution by hanging of McCaffary in Kenosha. He had received the death penalty for drowning his wife, Bridgett McCaffary, on July 23, 1850, in a backyard cistern. The hanging turned into a gruesome spectacle, as McCaffary struggled on the end of the rope for some 20 minutes as he was slowly strangled, according to the <a …

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