Tony Evers and Scott Walker Win Wisconsin Gov Primaries – In tabulations of the Democratic Primary for Wisconsin Governor at 12:00 midnight, Tony Evers is the favorite to run against Republican Governor Scott Walker. Evers, 40 percent, has been declared the Primary winner over nine other Democrats running for the opportunity to be on the November ballot. Mahlon Mitchell gathered the next most votes with 20 percent, followed by Kelda Roys with 14 percent. On the Republican side, Incumbent Scott Walker has been declared the winner of the primary with 93 percent, over GOP challenger, Robert Meyer. – WISCREPORT NEWSBRIEFS News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]  

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Trump Disbands 2016 Election Probe Into Popular Votes – A federal commission created by President Donald J. Trump on so-called “election integrity” grounds, announced in 2017, was disbanded by the president Weds., January 4, 2018. Trump (above-right) had claimed there may have been improprieties in the 2016 election that put him in the White House. He was concerned that although he won more electoral votes, his opponent, Hillary Clinton (above-left), received roughly 3 million more popular votes. He wanted the commission to prove Clinton’s popular vote total was in error, suggesting the commission might discover “dead people” may have been counted among the popular votes received by Hillary Clinton. The commission produced no report during it’s short

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Fellow Senate Democrats Force Al Franken To Resign

WISCONSINREPORT.COM (12/07/2017) – Minn. U.S. Senator Al Franken resigning, following colleagues insistence, even tho he feels 7 women accusers remember past experiences differently. Franken made his comments from the Senate floor December 7th, 2017. The women had came forward as part of the METOO movement from individual women who alleged wrong-doing of one level or another by various men at some time in the lives of the women making the allegations. Although Senator Franken acknowledged the women who accused him, he says some of the allegations did not happen, and he remembers other situations differently than the accusers. He thinks he would pass the Senate Ethics probe, but, in the

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