Wonewoc Man Facing 2nd Offense OWI

A 28 year old Wonewoc man is facing his 2nd Offense Drunk Driving.  Authorities approached a truck parked in a field with its lights on late Sunday night.  Authorities located Drew Benish passed out inside the vehicle.  Authorities woke Benish up and he took his foot of the brake which caused the truck to begin moving forward.  Authorities could smell a strong odor of intoxicants coming from the truck.  Benish said he had been returning home after dropping off a load of Christmas Trees.  Benish had already had his license revoked due to a prior OWI, he told officers he knew that and was hoping they would cut him a brake.  Benish failed a field sobriety test and blew a .12.

Source: WRJC.com

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