Tomah Man Allegedly Steals Bike & Power Tools
A 28 year old Tomah man is facing multiple charges after allegedly stealing a bike and power tools. Tomah authorities reported to a Tomah residence and talked to the victim. He said he had his bicycle and a bag of power tools stolen from him estimated at a value of over $700. The victim believed he saw the missing bicycle at a Woodland Terrace residence. Authorities went to the Woodland residence where they made contact with Ronald Hage. Hage told police the bicycle belonged to an acquaintance and he had received the tools from a friend not knowing they were stolen. He said he had sold the tools for $500. Authorities were able to locate the tools and return them to the owner. Hage is being charged with Theft from a Motor Vehicle, Possessing and Receiving Stolen Property, and Obstructing an Officer.
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