Tammy Baldwin – Was the Las Vegas mass shooting the 273rd this year? Or the seventh? Or somewhere in between?
The Truth-o-Meter says: Half-True | Was the Las Vegas mass shooting the 273rd this year? Or the seventh? Or somewhere in between?
In an email released to reporters on Oct. 3, 2017, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin lamented the mass shooting in Las Vegas two days earlier, calling it "the 273rd mass shooting this year." There’s no question it was a massacre: A lone gunman perched high in a hotel suite killed 59 people, including a Wisconsin native, who had gathered for an outdoor country music concert. More than 500 people were injured. But have there really been 273 mass shootings in the United States so far in 2017, as the Wisconsin Democrat says? What a ‘mass shooting’ is …
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Source: Politifacts.com
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