Million Dollar Powerball Ticket Sold in Mauston

A $1 million winning Powerball ticket was sold at a Kwik Trip in Mauston for the Saturday, Oct. 1 drawing. It is the second time in 2022 that a $1 million winning Powerball ticket has been sold in Wisconsin.

A news release from Wisconsin Lottery says one of two Kwik Trips in Mauston, the 611 Gateway location, is developing a history of big wins. In the last five years, the retailer has sold two $50,000 winning Powerball tickets and two Badger 5 jackpot-winning tickets for $211,000 and $22,000 respectively.

Kwik Trip will receive $20,000 as part of the Retailer Performance Program Winning Ticket Incentive for selling the winning ticket.

Powerball tickets are $2 per play. Powerball drawings are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Tickets must be purchased before 9 p.m. to be included in that day’s drawing. The odds of winning the $1 million Powerball prize are 1 in 11,688,054. The odds of winning a $50,000 prize are 1 in 913,130.


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