Mauston Woman Causes Disturbance; Facing Charges Of Domestic Abuse

On September 8th, a Mauston Police Officer was dispatched to a residence in the City of Mauston for reports of a phyiscal disturbance caused by 59 year old Sheila M. Hagy. Two deputies joined from the Juneau County Sheriff’s Department.
Upon arrival, the reporting party had a laceration on her hand and other bruises on her body. When asked by the officer, the complainant said that her caregiver, Hagy, had done that to her. She said that Hagy grabbed her and the other bruises were from a push caused by her.
Hagy came to the door and was mad that the complainant had called the cops and told them to leave her alone. She admitted to having been at the bar and drinking for several hours to get away from the complainant, as they had been arguing all day and had a prior incident while out shopping .
When asked about the laceration on the complainant’s hand, Hagy said that she barely touched her and was unsure of how she received it. The officer noticed that Hagy’s right hand had dried blood by the pinky finger and Hagy thought the middle finger may be broken but still denied grabbing the complainant. Hagy said that the complainant bruises easily from medication.
Hagy did admit to throwing a phone out of the complainant’s hand as she called 9-1-1 and said she would pay for the broken window. The complainant stated that Hagy was upset after returning from the bar and finding her dog in the complainant’s room . Hagy says that the complainant is evil and hits her dog. It was found that Hagy struck the complainant twice with a closed fist early in the day.
The Mauston area ambulance was called to the scene and transported the complainant to Mile Bluff Medical Center.
Hagy has been charged with Intimidating a Victim/Domestic Abuse Crime with several Modifiers of the charges including Battery, Domestic Abuse, and Disorderly Conduct Domestic Abuse.


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