David Crowley – Rep. David Crowley misfires with claim on African-American men and low-level drug offenses

The Truth-o-Meter says: False | Rep. David Crowley misfires with claim on African-American men and low-level drug offenses

The issue of decriminalization of marijuana is on the front burner in many states, including Wisconsin, where Democratic Gov. Tony Evers is backing a plan that would allow residents to smoke and sell small amounts of the drug. One of the goals of the proposal, Evers said, is to reduce the disproportionate rate at which the state's black residents are incarcerated. "People shouldn't be treated like criminals for accessing medicine that could change or maybe even save their lives," Evers said at a Feb. 18, 2019, news conference announcing his plan. In supporting Evers’ plan, state Rep. David Crowley, …

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Source: Politifacts.com

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