Three Wisconsin Republicans vote against hurricane relief bill

Three members of Wisconsin’s delegation voted no Friday, as the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill with more hurricane relief, a higher federal debt limit, and three more months of general government funding. Wisconsin Republicans Sean Duffy, Jim Sensenbrenner, and Mike Gallagher were among the 90 Republicans voting no. House Speaker Paul Ryan of […] Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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Hintz running for Assembly Democratic leader

State Representative Gordon Hintz says he plans to run Assembly Democratic leader. In a statement, Hintz says he’s humbled by the encouragement from his fellow Democrats, and wants to be a leader who highlights the party’s values of community, fairness, and opportunity. The Oshkosh Democrat said that “as leader, I will work every day to […] Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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