Missing Minnesota Man Found in Vernon County

A missing elderly man from Minnesota was found in Vernon County. On March 19, 2019 at 10:14 PM, the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a passerby reporting that they had come upon a vehicle parked along State Highway 131 near Bridge 7 south of Hay Valley Road in the Town of Whitestown. They were concerned because the elderly male driver seemed confused and was not responsive to them when they knocked on the window. A Vernon County deputy arrived on location and identified the male driver as Dennis E. Mead, age 75, of Milaca, Minnesota. Mr. Mead was listed as a missing person through the Milaca Police Department. He suffers from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and had not been seen since he left home in Minnesota around 10:30 AM. It was later estimated by family members that Mr. Mead had driven about 450 miles before running out of gas along State Highway 131 in Vernon County. Deputies transported Mr. Mead to Vernon Memorial Hospital in Viroqua for evaluation. After being checked out by hospital staff, Mr. Mead was eventually reunited with his family and taken home to Minnesota.

Source: WRJC.com

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