Mauston PD: Verify Before Giving Donations

From the Mauston Police Department: We had a local business call us and stated someone called from the Mauston Football team asking for donations. We investigated and found this to be fraudulent and The Mauston Football team is NOT currently asking for donations. Please verify before giving out donations, as always if you have any questions please feel free to contact The Mauston Police Department. Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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Evers added to list of potential Democratic candidates for governor

Another Democrat is apparently considering a run for governor. (Terry Bell)Another Democrat is apparently considering a run for governor. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that state schools superintendent Tony Evers is considering it. Evers, who heads the state Department of Public Instruction, has been named as a possible candidate against Governor Scott Walker since winning […] Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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Homeowners don't have to let assessors in to challenge tax

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin law that requires homeowners to let assessors inside as a condition for challenging their property taxes is unconstitutional as applied to a pair of Racine County property owners, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday. Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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