Wonewoc-Center School Board Approves Tax Levy

The Wonewoc-Center School Board approved the tax levy at its meeting on Monday night. District Administrator Sharon Ennis said the proposed mill rate is 0.01094729, which means taxpayers will pay about $10.95 for each $1,000 of equalized property valuation. This is a decrease of three cents less per thousand than it was in 2016-2017.

The school board also approved two new hires for the school year. Because of rising enrollment, Mary Hoof was hired as a third grade teacher. She comes with 5 years of experience. Edwin Pfaff was hired as the technical education teacher. Tony Green, who was the tech ed teacher, resigned in September as he was hired as the Police Chief for Elroy. Pfaff will teach middle and high school tech ed.

Source: WRJC.com

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