Wisconsin Afternoon State News for Monday 2/26/18

>Standing Water Isolates Town Of Milton Neighborhood

(Town of Milton, WI)  —  People living in a town of Milton neighborhood say access to their homes has been blocked since a heavy rainfall last Tuesday.  Standing water covers the road, meaning people who live there have to park outside the neighborhood, then walk across one family’s yard.  U-S Postal Service deliveries have been blocked for nearly a week and there has been no garbage collection.  One of the biggest concerns centers on elderly residents who need their medications.  That neighborhood is about three miles outside the city of Milton.


>>Whitewater Police Search For Hit-And-Run Driver

(Whitewater, WI)  —  Somewhere there is an S-U-V missing its driver side door mirror.  Whitewater Police say the man driving that light-colored sport utility vehicle Saturday shortly before 7:00 P-M hit a pedestrian, then drove off without checking to see if the person was okay.  The suspect did retrieve the mirror before leaving.  Witnesses describe the driver as being white, with shaved dark brown hair.  Police haven’t said how serious the pedestrian’s injuries were.


>>Wisconsin Veterans Home Nurse Accused Of Stealing Pain Meds

(King, WI)  —  A former nurse at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in King is charged with stealing pain medications.  Forty-one-year-old Alicia Krisher-Behm was hired last March.  V-A Home workers contacted authorities about prescription drug thefts.  They reported Krisher-Behm was working an overnight shift January 19th when a patient received two unscheduled maximum doses of oxycodone.  She noted the patient had complained of shoulder pain.  When nurses checked, that patient was awake and alert and reported no excessive pain for several days.  Police say they suspect she has an opioid addiction which led to the thefts.


Source: WRJC.com

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