Western Technical College Announces Public Safety Open House

LA CROSSE, Wis. – High school juniors and seniors are invited to learn more about Western Technical College’s public safety programs at “Heroes are Built (not born),” an open house event on Thursday, Sept. 28 from 9:oo a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Sparta Public Safety and Training Center, 11177 County Road A, Sparta.

The event allows those interested a chance to learn more about the Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Protection and Law Enforcement programs at Western through hands-on activities with current faculty and students.

“This is a great chance for students to learn about a rewarding career in public safety,” said Kevin Dean, Associate Dean for Health and Public Safety at Western Technical College. “By providing an opportunity to see what a career in public safety looks like, we hope more students become interested in our programs.”

The event will also be open to any current volunteer or reserve EMS, fire, or law enforcement services who may have responders interested in advancing their career.

Although the free event is primarily designed for Western students and those interested, the public is also welcome to attend.

For more information, contact Dean at DeanK@westerntc.edu or visit www.westerntc.edu/location/sparta.



Source: WRJC.com

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