Vernon County and Crawford County Sheriff’s Offices Recover Stolen Property
Vernon County Sheriff John Spears and Crawford County Sheriff Dale McCullick report the recovery of stolen property. On Tuesday, July 25, 2017, a wood splitter was recovered in the village of Stoddard, Vernon County, as the result of a joint investigation by both Sheriff’s Offices. The wood splitter, and other items were reported stolen to the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office in October 2016. The items were reportedly taken from a rural De Soto, WI property, located on Lawrence Ridge Road, in the town of Freeman, Crawford County.
Several suspects have been developed and the investigation continues. Anyone with information about this crime is asked to contact the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office at 608-326-8414, or Crawford County Crime Stoppers at (608) 326-8933, or the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office at 608-637-2123, or Vernon County Crime Stoppers at 608-637-8477.
Also assisting in the investigation was the Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Office, Decorah, IA.
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