Trappers Who Incidentally Trap Wolves Encouraged to Contact Department Staff

MADISON – Trappers who incidentally capture wolves are encouraged to contact department staff and participate in Wisconsin’s wolf collaring and monitoring program.

“Tracking collared wolves is a critical component of Wisconsin’s wolf monitoring program.  Trappers can help improve the quality of Department of Natural Resources wolf population data by allowing us to collar incidentally captured wolves before they are released.” said Nathan Libal, DNR wildlife biologist.

Voluntary participation from Wisconsin’s trappers is an important part of the department’s work with many stakeholders and partners to monitor the state’s wolf population.

In the event of an incidental wolf capture, DNR staff will work closely with the participating trappers to determine if the wolf is a good candidate for our monitoring program.  Interested trappers can contact DNR wolf program staff by calling 715-401-1764.

For more information regarding wolf monitoring and management in Wisconsin, please visit and search keyword “wolf.”


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