Tony Evers – Jobs have grown under GOP Gov. Scott Walker, but Democrat Tony Evers says growth fell 70% in 2016

The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Jobs have grown under GOP Gov. Scott Walker, but Democrat Tony Evers says growth fell 70% in 2016

In a video posted Oct. 4, 2017 in his run for governor, Tony Evers repeatedly cites Gov. Scott Walker’s failed 250,000 jobs promise — then hits him with a new attack. Midway into the video, an unidentified TV anchor says this in introducing a news story: "Job creation in the state fell by an astounding 70 percent last year to the lowest level since Gov. Scott Walker took office." After another reference to Walker’s jobs promise, from his first campaign for governor in 2010, the video replays the audio of the anchor’s words and then these words …

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