Tammy Baldwin – Sen. Tammy Baldwin's claim about Trump administration word ban a bit of a Scrabble

The Truth-o-Meter says: False | Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s claim about Trump administration word ban a bit of a Scrabble

Transgender rights have become an issue in many aspects of American society, from Hollywood actors seeking recognition and roles, to the state of Vermont, where Democrat Christine Hallquist is vying to become the nation's first transgender governor. In Wisconsin, Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay person to the serve in the Senate, has been a champion of LGBTQ rights. At a June 2018 Human Rights Campaign event, Baldwin gave a speech in which she praised volunteers on the front lines of the "fight for equality" and also aimed a couple barbs at the Donald Trump …

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Source: Politifacts.com

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