Save Our City, Milwaukeeans Can't Wait – Tens of millions in tax money directed to a Milwaukee streetcar at the expense of police, schools?
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly False | Tens of millions in tax money directed to a Milwaukee streetcar at the expense of police, schools?
A newly formed group that wants Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett removed from office accuses him of "malfeasance" over the use of city money for a $128 million streetcar line. The group Save Our City, Milwaukeeans Can't Wait filed a notice with the city on July 7, 2017, that aims to force a recall election. In it, the group makes four charges against Barrett, starting with one about the streetcar, which the group refers to as a trolley. Barrett, the group claims in the notice, "has directed that tens of millions of City of Milwaukee tax dollars be …
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