Russell, Kirk Owen, age 46 of Friendship
Kirk Owen Russell, age 46, of Friendship, Wisconsin, passed away August 2nd in an automobile accident.
Kirk was born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin on December 15, 1970. He graduated from Adams-Friendship High School in 1989 and attended Central Texas College. He entered military service with the U.S. Army in 1989 where he served with honor, dedication and distintinction as a combat medic. Kirk served four tours in Iraq and one in Bosnia. He was the recipient of numerous awards including the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Award (four awards), Armed Forces Service Medal, Combat Medical Badge and the Combat Infantry Badge, Expert Field Medical Badge. His last post was with Charlie Company, 3rd Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Stewart, GA as a Staff Sergeant. Kirk retired from active duty in 2007
Kirk enjoyed gardening, playing darts, fishing, and spending time with family and friends, and his best bud Batman adopted from the Humane Society . He was known for his sense of humor and his love for pulling pranks and playing jokes on friends and family and will be greatly missed.
Kirk is survived by his mother Trudy DeBaker, his step sister Melinda Lasse and family and his step brother Nathan Russell and family, his aunts, uncles, cousins and his friends from Charlie Company, 3rd Brigade Support Battalion.
Kirk was preceded in death by his father Keith Russell.
At the request of family there will be no services. An informal gathering for friends and family will be coordinated at a later date.
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