Royall School Board Approves Personnel Items; Increase Lunch Prices
The Royall School Board held a special meeting on Monday night to approve some personnel items. First they approved a leave of absence for nine weeks for Paraprofessional Jennifer Gruen and also a teacher’s contract for Gruen. Elementary/Intermediate Principal Darcy Uppena said that the first semester, Jennifer Gruen can use the first semester as an internship that would fulfill her student teaching requirement. Then, Gruen would be the 6th grade teacher for the second part of the year.Superintendent Mark Gruen said it would be great for the students because of the continuity throughout the year. The board also approved the hiring of Laura Wilberg for a kindergarten position. Wilberg had previously taught at the Mauston School District. Board members also approved the paraprofessionals, Shelby Witt & Darylann Williams, Kristi Shore as the Director of Food Service, and co-curricular contracts for 2017-2018.
The next big item in the Personnel part of the agenda was the hiring of Jillian Martin as the Speech and Language Pathologist. Martin is a Royall graduate. Board members Tom Trepes and Loretta Kranz were concerned with the starting salary being so high. Superintendent Gruen said that was what was negotiated and other school districts such as Stevens Point, were offering higher starting salaries. Board President Doug Waterman said that if they had go through CESA, it would have cost the district about $40,000 more than what they agreed with Martin, and it’s a needed position. With this contract, Martin would have to work for the district for three years. Trepes still was concerned teachers would be upset about the salary. Uppena said the position isn’t a teaching position, and the licensing requirements are completely different for speech and language pathologists than it is for teachers. Superintendent Gruen said it almost a supply and demand game because speech and language pathologists have to be qualify for the medical field. The members approved the contract unanimously.
The board then moved onto the business part of their agenda, and approved increasing the lunch prices by 10 cents for 2017-2018 school year. Superintendent Gruen said they learned that they had increase the prices by a minimum of a dime according to federal law. So 4K-6 lunch prices were $2.45 and are now $2.55, 7-12 was $2.60, now $2.70, and Adult lunch was $3.25 now $3.35, and adult breakfast is $2.15. Superintendent Gruen said milk will stay at 30 cents and reduced lunch will stay at 40 cents.
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