Rome Police Department to Crack Down on Drunken Motorists During ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ Campaign
To combat drunken driving, Rome Police Department will join other law enforcement agencies throughout Wisconsin participating in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” national campaign from August 18th to September 4.
“Although drunken driving is 100 percent preventable, on average someone is killed or injured in an alcohol-related crash in Wisconsin every three hours,” says Chief Jason Lauby “And while celebrating the holidays, people may be tempted to drive when they are impaired. During the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, our officers will be out in force to arrest drunken drivers before they kill or injure themselves or an innocent victim.”
Rather than risk a drunken driving arrest or crash, the Rome Police Department urges you to follow these common sense suggestions:
- Choose a sober designated driver before you start drinking.
- If you’re feeling buzzed, you likely are over the 0.08 BAC limit and should not drive.
- Take a bus, a taxicab or ask a sober friend to drive you home.
- The Zero In Wisconsin traffic safety program has a free “Drive Sober” mobile app that can be downloaded by visiting
- Some taverns and restaurants have programs to provide patrons with a safe ride home. Visit and click on Safe Ride.
- Report impaired drivers to law enforcement by calling 911.
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