Reedsburg Emergency Services Introduces Smoke Detector Battery Exchange Program
Reedsburg emergency services have combined to provide area residents with free batteries for smoke detectors. Reedsburg Police, Fire and Ambulance, along with Rayovac Batteries, will be providing free 9-volt batteries for use in smoke detectors beginning on October 7th at the Fire
Department’s Harvest Fest. The batteries will be limited to four (4) batteries per home and you MUST have old batteries to trade-in for the new batteries. Batteries will also be available at the Reedsburg Police Department – Front Counter beginning on October 8th.
“Keeping fresh batteries in your smoke detectors is the best first alert against fires”, said Reedsburg Fire Chief Craig Douglas. “We want to make it as easy as possible to keep our residents safe from injuries due to fire and/or smoke.”
The Battery Swap will last until supplies run out. Rayovac donated 500 batteries and provided a reduced rate on the remaining 1500.
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