“Paper Tigers” to Screen at Adams Theatre
On Monday, August 21, families in Adams County will have the opportunity to see “Paper Tigers” during a special screening at the Adams Theatre. “Paper Tigers,” is a documentary film released in 2015 and it follows a year in the life of an alternative school in Walla Walla, Washington that changed its approach to disciplining its students, and it changed the culture there in positive ways. The school depicted in the documentary became a model for breaking the cycle of poverty, violence and disease affecting families. The film will be aired at 6:30pm in the Adams Theatre, and admission is free. For more information on “Paper Tigers” and to view a the trailer, visit www.PaperTigersMovie.com. Sponsored by: Adams County Drug Free Task Force, Adams-Friendship Area School District, Fostering Futures, Adams Theatre, Health and Human Services Department, Adams County Association for Exceptional Citizens and the Adams County Sheriff’s Office.
Source: WRJC.com
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