New Zoning Administrator for City of Mauston
The City of Mauston has a new zoning administrator. Zachary Peterson was introduced during the Mauston Common Council Meeting Tuesday evening. Peterson replaces former zoning administrator Val Nelson who decided to take another position within city government. Peterson’s first day on the job was July 10. He graduated college in Ashland where Peterson said he studied sociology and sustainability. City Administrator Nathan Thiel said they are excited to have Peterson.
Later in the meeting, the council approved paving the city portion of State Highway 12/16 in conjunction with a Wisconsin Department of Transportation Project. The scope of the project includes the two outer parking lanes of East State Street from Water Street to the city limits for a cost of $23,904.92. The project would start in September, according to Public Works Director Rob Nelson.
The council also approved amending the loan agreement from Two Sisters Event Center and Artistic Expressions from a five year loan to an eight year loan. Thiel said that the owners are trying to add a ramp to make the facility more handicap accessible, but in order to do that, they need more flexibility with their cash position. The motion approved unanimously.
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