New Lisbon Man Facing 5th Offense OWI

A New Lisbon man is facing his 5th Offense OWI after being pulled over in Monroe County on December 7th.  60 year old Keith Herritz was traveling on Monowau Street in Tomah when he slammed on his breaks abruptly for a red light.  His car went nearly a full car length past the stop line.  Herritz was eventually pulled over near a south side Tomah gas station.  He attempted to exit his vehicle before authorities told him to stay inside.  Herritz told authorities in a slow slurred voice he knew why they had pulled him over.  Herritz showed several signs of impairment during a field sobriety test and blew a PBT of .108.  He declined a consented blood draw and search warrant was drafted.  He declined due to his dislike of needles.


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