Microsoft Awards $5.4 Million Software Grant To Goodwill
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (10/22/2014) [COMMERCE] Microsoft is making a 5.4 Million Dollar software grant to Goodwill Industries International. The grant affects the Milwaukee, WI area and 20 other Goodwill agencies in the United States.
Goodwill Industries and the Goodwill agencies across the United States are expanding job and skills training with innovative technology, thanks to the software grant from Microsoft. The grant program, GoodTech, is Microsoft’s third investment in the Goodwill enterprise’s technology infrastructure.
The grant is part of Microsoft’s longstanding commitment to help people improve social and economic opportunities through community technology training centers and Microsoft telecenters.
The donated software includes Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office products and internal office systems based on the needs of the individual Goodwill agencies.
With this grant, some Goodwill agencies will update their career center computers to assist in job search and training utilizing the most current Microsoft Office Suite; while others will be using the products to improve administrative efficiencies, network infrastructures, tracking and reporting systems, remote access for real-time recordkeeping/reporting and MapPoint for transportation of participants to and from jobs.
“Knowing how to leverage technology is important in today’s economy. Microsoft’s investment in Goodwill’s mission will enable our community-based agencies across the country to increase their technology offerings so that people can learn new skills, earn good jobs, and obtain and maintain economic independence and an increased quality of life,” said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International.
“The donation of technology will directly impact our ability to increase internal capacities while also better serving people in our communities who are ready to re-enter the workforce,” Gibbons added.
Since 2009, Microsoft has provided 69 local Goodwill agencies with software grant donations, totaling $15,951,552. More than a million people have benefitted from the Microsoft award through those investments.
“We are pleased to support Goodwill agencies across the nation to help them provide even more people the access to technology that’s needed to learn the foundational IT skills that employers are looking for today,” said Joanne Harrell, Senior Director, Citizenship and Public Affairs, USA, Microsoft Corporation.
Goodwill agencies were chosen to receive the grant based on their ability to expand services to assist people with challenges to finding employment, including people with disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, returning veterans and their families, single parents, those who are experiencing long-term unemployment, immigrants, youth and older workers.
The agencies receiving funding will implement Microsoft technology to further their job training programs, employment placement services and other community-based programs, as well as their capacity to implement the software immediately and demonstrate impact within their local communities.
Other areas besides the Milwaukee area to benefit from this grant, include: Austin, TX; Coloradio Springs, CO.; Flint, MI; Greenville, SC; Kennewick, WA; Little Rock, AR; Macon, GA; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland, OR; Rockville, MD; Saint Lous, MO; Saint Paul, MN; San Antonio, TX; Santa Ana, CA; Santa Cruz, CA; Santa Rosa, CA; Sarasota, FL; Seattle, WA; Tacoma, WA; Tulsa, OK, and, Washington DC.
Goodwill Industries International is a network of 165 community-based agencies in the United States and Canada with a presence in 14 other countries. Goodwill agencies are innovative and sustainable social enterprises that fund job training programs, employment placement services and other community-based programs by selling donated clothing and household items in more than 3,000 stores and online at .
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