Melissa Sargent – Wisconsin offering to pay Taiwan tech firm Foxconn $1 million per job at manufacturing plant?
The Truth-o-Meter says: False | Wisconsin offering to pay Taiwan tech firm Foxconn $1 million per job at manufacturing plant?
When Republican Gov. Scott Walker said iPhone manufacturer Foxconn was bringing 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin, we drew the line on his exuberance at Half True. Even the Taiwanese company itself has said only there is potential for 13,000 jobs, and that its initial plans call for 3,000. But some Democrats, including state Rep. Melissa Sargent of Madison, have also been overly effusive in criticizing the up to $3 billion in incentives Walker wants to give Foxconn. Sargent, who made news in early 2017 for proposals to legalize marijuana and eliminate the state’s "tampon tax," posted …
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