Mauston Common Council Approves ATV Resolution
At its meeting Tuesday evening, the Mauston Common Council approved a one year trial run designating all city streets except state highways all-terrain vehicle (ATV) routes. After some discussion, the hours of ATV use on city streets would be from 6am-10pm. Originally, the resolution had the hours from 7am-7pm. Alderpersons Steve Leavitt and Katie Stienke said that 7pm because of people coming back from restaurants or places and that time would make people rushing. Alderperson Jim Allaby said he would like to see it from 6am-10pm. Using himself as an example, Allaby said he hunts and he wouldn’t like to have to wait a full hour before he could use his ATV. The amendment was approved 5-2, with Alderpersons Rick Noe and Francis McCoy voting no. The resolution was then approved 5-2, with Noe and McCoy voting against it. ATVs would be subjected to city rules on public parking according to Mauston Police Chief Mike Zilisch. However, operation of ATVs on these streets will not go into effect until trails mapping and proper signage is set up.
The council also had a discussion about a public complaint concerning the geese in Riverside Park. City Administrator Nathan Thiel said he would appreciated any feedback from the council. He said they have tried many different things such as flashing lights, wired fence, UV paint, cayenne pepper, and decoys. The DNR and USDA have restrictions on how cities handled migratory birds. One option this fall, Thiel said, the police chief has the authority to authorize the shooting of guns in the city. Before such measures are taken, Thiel said he want some suggestions, even posting on Facebook to get some feedback.
The council also approved a fire service agreement with the Lisbon Township and approved amending private residential stables.
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