Lyndon Station Man Arrested After Drug Search Warrant
On Thursday, July 20th, at 11:11a.m., the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office, Juneau County Drug Task Force, and Juneau County Special Tactics and Response Team (START), executed a search warrant at N1335 Southern Road in Lyndon Township. The warrant was the result of illicit drug activity at the residence. Arrested was Patrick Benitez, a 25-year-old white male from Lyndon Station, the owner of the residence. Approximately ten pounds of marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogenic mushrooms, two hand guns, and numerous other drug contraband items were found. Benitez was tentatively charged with:
- Maintaining a drug trafficking place
- Possession of THC w/intent to deliver
- Possession of cocaine w/intent to deliver
- Manufacture/deliver THC
- Possession of psilocybin mushrooms
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
The incident remains under investigation by the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office and the Juneau County Drug Task Force.
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