Local Subjects Flee Deputy After Getting Stuck in the Snow

On the night of 2/17/2019 a Monroe County Deputy stopped to assist 2 subjects whose vehicle had slid off the road, struck a mailbox and got stuck in the snow. The deputy assisted in getting the vehicle removed and began to gather the information reference to the crash.   While doing so, the subjects fled the scene in the vehicle.

The deputy was able to locate the vehicle a short distance up the road and found that the subjects had fled on foot.   Deputies learned that the vehicle had incorrect plates on it and that the vehicle had been stolen out of Eau Claire, WI.   Additional deputies and State Patrol personnel responded to the scene to assist. A search of the area was conducted and both subjects were located hiding in nearby barns.

The subjects were identified as 27 year old Jacob S. Williams and 27 year old Sara A. Williams (no permanent address).  Jacob and Sara have been the subject of an ongoing, statewide, mail theft and fraud investigation.   A search warrant was conducted on the vehicle. Stolen property, including mail from multiple jurisdictions in Minnesota and Wisconsin, were recovered.  The additional evidence has furthered the investigation and additional charges are anticipated.

Dozens of victims and potential victims have been identified and investigators will be reaching out to those victims as they continue to gather more information.

Jacob and Sara are currently being held in the Monroe County Jail.

Source: WRJC.com

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