Local Communities Experiencing Flooding

The City of Elroy, Village of Union Center, Highway 71 between Kendall and Elroy, and now Wonewoc, has seen significant flooding over this past weekend and currently due to significant rainfall. Local creeks feeding in and around the Baraboo River have breached their banks. Several roads and bridges were and may still be covered with water. Be cautious, and never cross a flooded road in your vehicle.  Below are some flooding resources for local residents.  

Flooding information links for Residents

Residents:  https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/flood/residents.htm and

Private Wells https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/flood/water.htm

Ready.gov https://www.ready.gov/floods

When your well has been flooded, bacteria and other harmful organisms can get into your water

You should consider your well flooded if:

The well head was covered or well casing was inundated with water.

You notice changes in the taste or color or the presence of sediment in your water.

Your well is shallow-cased nearby areas have been flooded.

It will take time for the water to be safe to use again. You will need an unaffected source of water to use for several weeks while you fix your well. Safe water includes bottled water, tap water that you boiled for one minute, or water from a well that was not flooded.

Source: WRJC.com

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