Lee, Rose M., age 66, of Adams

Rose M. Lee, age 66, of Adams, Wisconsin passed away Monday, October 9, 2017 at her home.

Interment will be at the Mt. Repose Cemetery, Friendship, Wisconsin.

Rose was born April 10, 1951 in Dodgeville, Wisconsin to Earl and Lorraine (Nechkash) Yerke.  She graduated from Iowa Grant High School in Livingston, Wisconsin.  Rose married Charles Lee on April 24, 1977 in Phoenix, Arizona. She enjoyed spending time and shopping with her sister Kay.

Rose was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Lee; parents, Earl & Lorraine Yerke; brother, Bill Yerke and brother-in-law, Darrell Rice.


Brother:  Gene (Charlotte) Yerke of Tennessee

Brother:  Larry (Judy) Yerke of Adams, Wisconsin

Sister:  Kay Rice of Adams, Wisconsin

Nephew:  Jeff (Val) Rice of Arizona

Roseberry’s Funeral Home is assisting the family.  Visit www.roseberrys.com for online condolences and further information.

Source: WRJC.com

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