Juneau County Wisconsin Wins Team Conducts Tobacco Compliance Checks

Thank You for Keeping Our Kids Healthy  

Each year, a Juneau County Wisconsin Wins Team which consists of an adult supervisor and area youth, conduct tobacco compliance checks at local businesses.  They record whether or not the underage youth are able to purchase tobacco products from the retailers.

During the past round of tobacco compliance checks; Camp Douglas, Hustler, New Lisbon, Necedah, Mauston, Lyndon Station, and Wisconsin Dells retailers upheld the law and refused the sale of tobacco to our underage youth. There were 42 tobacco compliance checks completed in Juneau County this summer, 2017. Out of the 42 local businesses that were checked, there was only 1 sale of tobacco products to minors; leaving us with a success rate of 98%.  A special acknowledgement to the local businesses should be made for making the commitment to keep our youth tobacco free and follow the law.

Tobacco retailers, along with parents and our local community, must work to keep tobacco products out of the hands of kids.  Next time you see your local retailer check an ID, say “thank you” for helping keep our youth healthy.  If we work together, we can help Wisconsin Win.



Contributed by

Tara Herritz, RN

Juneau County Public Health Nurse

 South Central Wisconsin Tobacco-Free Coalition WI WINS Coordinator

Source: WRJC.com

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