Juneau County Board of Supervisors Approves Memorandum of Understanding
The Juneau County Board of Supervisors approved a new memorandum of understanding regarding the Hillsboro State Trial at its Tuesday meeting. The understanding is between the City of Hillboro, Juneau County, Vernon County, and the Department of Natural Resources regarding the trail that is between Hillsboro and Union Center. Juneau County Forestry and Parks Administrator Brian Lloyd said this new memorandum is really the state wanting to update the language. Lloyd that 30 years ago the primary use of the trial was biking, foot travel, and snowmobile use, and with the increasing popularity of ATVs, if the association wanted to allow winter or summer ATVs on the trail, this memorandum is the first step. The resolution passed unanimously.
Other items the board approved:
- Voted down a land sale for Parcel 292510648. Instead, the board is instead looking into the possibility of converting the building for two agencies that have inquired about it
- Approved the reclassification of certain Juneau County Employees effective January 1, 2018, to be included in the 2018 budget
- Approved the designation of Juneau County Star-Times as the official newspaper for the county
- Approved motions to fill the positions of Deputy Sheriff-Patrol/Jailer, Park Technican II-Parks and Forestry, and General Laborer-Public Works
Source: WRJC.com
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