Juneau County 4-H Scholarships Awarded

The Juneau County 4-H Leaders Association recently announced the four recipients of their annual scholarship awards to area high school seniors. This year’s recipients are: Deena Degner of Wonewoc Badgers 4-H Club, Anna Renner of Cheery 4-H Club, Daniel Senzig of Blackhawk 4-H Club, and Matti Wafle of Lyndon Pioneers 4-H Club. Each of the four scholarship recipients will receive $500 upon completion of their first semester of post-secondary education.

The scholarship awards are based upon 4-H community club involvement, countywide involvement in 4-H events and project areas, plus leadership in 4-H as well as outside of 4-H. The scholarship selection committee agreed that all four of this year’s recipients live out the 4-H motto (“To make the best better”) in everything that they do.

This is just one example of how the Juneau County 4-H Leaders Association supports Juneau County 4-H members. The main fundraisers for the Juneau County 4-H Leaders Association that support expenses such as this are the 4-H food stand at the Juneau County Fair and a pre-ordered item fundraiser.

If you are interested in joining 4-H, please contact the UW Division of Extension Office in Juneau County at 608-847-9329, 220 E. State Street, Room 104, Mauston WI or email april.martell@wisc.edu.

Source: WRJC.com

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