Join The New Lisbon School District To Celebrate Athletic Fields

The New Lisbon School District has finished construction on its athletic fields project.
The nearly $2 million dollar project was started in 2017. Phase 1 of the project updated concession stands, restrooms, ticket booths, and the entryway into the facility. The updates were paid with by donations, with the district raising more than $250,000 from the community for the project.
After phase 1, the district put up a question for referendum to finance the completion of a new football field, track, press box, softball field, and an update to the baseball field. Voters approved over $1.5 million for the project.
The New Lisbon School District has moved from a circular track to a more traditonal oval track. All of the fields received replacements except the baseball field, which stayed in the same location but received a “face lift.”
Junior and High School Principal Mark Stamper says that the original athletic fields had begun to “show their age.” Stamper is very proud of the facility and noted how nice it is to have all the sports in one spot.
To celebrate the completion of the new athletic fields, the district is having a grand opening ceremony on October 8th, coinciding with the New Lisbon High School homecoming. A tailgate party will begin at 5 P.M. followed by speakers and a ceremony. The football game against Riverdale starts at 7 P.M.


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