Gundersen St. Joseph’s Emergency Department schedules upgrades due to COVID-19 public health emergency

Just over two years since moving into its new facility, Gundersen St. Joseph’s has begun the process of further upgrading its emergency department.

The upgrades include an expanded waiting area for patients and larger workspaces for staff. The triage room will also be better equipped to serve patients that may need covid screening and treatment. These changes will allow Gundersen St. Joseph’s to better handle the necessary workflows and social distancing among patients and staff during the current public health emergency and in the future.

Patients will continue to use the same ER entrance for emergency and urgent care services. “We are well prepared for this retrofit project and anticipate minimal disruption to the quality of our services,” says Kristie McCoic, administrator of Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital and Clinics.

This retrofit project will be paid for through COVID-19 relief funds. Work will begin in late September and will be conducted by general contractor C.D.Smith who oversaw the initial construction of the facility.

The project will be completed by the end of the year.


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