Department of Health Services Awards Contract to Iron Data

WISCONSINREPORT.COM (09/20/2014) [Health] – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has awarded Iron Data Solutions, Inc. (Iron Data) a contract to implement its robust case management solution called the Intelligent Case Manager (ICM). Iron Data has also subcontracted with Social Solutions, to provide its Efforts to Outcomes performance management software.

ICM incorporates state-of-the-art technology and unrivaled case management functionality, while ETO includes best practices to guide self-service and outcomes optimization.

The combined solution will provide DHS with the tools and intelligence to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of its program, as well as provide program participants with an easy-to-use solution to manage their long-term care needs.

DHS provides adults with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, and the frail elderly with long-term support needs that allows for the delivery of services in a self-directed manner. The DHS goal is that participants, or their guardians, can manage their information and service plans with limited involvement by support staff.

Implementation of ICM will help facilitate person centered self-direction, while maintaining program integrity and oversight.

As the result of a competitive formal procurement process, the Department partnered with Iron Data, as the combined system offers a flexible platform that will enable DHS to increase participant satisfaction through improved access to services and improve visibility into participant progress, service effectiveness, and program outcomes.

The new system is anticipated to provide several other benefits, including reduction of paper-based processes, elimination of redundant tasks, support for DHS’s unique business processes, and improved stakeholder satisfaction and efficiency by automating communication between DHS users and stakeholders, including participants and service providers.

“We are excited to continue our partnership with Iron Data by providing the Wisconsin Department of Health Services with a robust outcomes case management solution,” said Scott Johnson, CEO of Social Solutions.

“This solution will help the Department deliver more efficient and effective services, which will improve outcomes for the citizens of Wisconsin,” said Scott Johnson added.

Iron Data’s team will work closely with DHS staff to ensure the project is a success. Iron Data’s implementation services include project management, business process change, full service data conversion, acceptance testing, production support, and system and end user training. Iron Data will also host the system in the cloud, which will improve system performance and reduce costs.

Iron Data Solutions, Inc. is a leading provider of software for human services case management, licensing and regulatory systems and is used by the Federal Government and by 49 state governments. Iron Data offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, called Intelligent Process Management (IPM), that assess, improve, manage and monitor challenging operational process issues for clients in the public sector.

Iron Data IPM allows organizations to focus on what they do best, while knowing that their most difficult data management challenges are being seamlessly handled by industry experts. To learn more about Iron Data visit

Founded in 2000, Social Solutions Global, Inc., creators of Efforts to Outcomes software, equips over 16,000 programs delivered by high-performing nonprofits, public agencies, donors and evaluators, with web-based data-tracking and outcomes-oriented case management tools to help improve results, simplify reporting requirements and improve efficiencies in delivering services across agencies and funding streams.

Unlike traditional CRM and Case Management tools, ETO software was designed to help agencies improve outcomes, by identifying and scaling effective programs. The ETO platform is flexible enough to be uniquely configured based on service population and evidence-based practices models, without the need for custom development to make changes to the software as your organization continues to evolve. To learn more about Social Solutions visit

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