Wandering Thoughts: Russia Left Hands Off Pabst Beer

WISCONSINREPORT.COM (10/28/2017) – The good news is, it turns out, Russians never gained control of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Pabst Beer back in 2014, as once thought. The beer has stayed a United States product, with headquarters in Los Angeles, after erroneously, some reports in several major newspapers announced the beer was being transferred to a company associated with Russia. A couple of months later, in November of that year, the mistake was noted, after it was learned the original announcement was off the mark. Now owned by American beer entrepreneur Eugene Kashper, Pabst remains American owned and operated. The current Pabst team is said to be committed to staying true to

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Proof Of Concept Study Sets Stage For Human Trial

WISCONSINREPORT.COM (08/19/2015) – Combining an experimental DNA vaccine against prostate cancer, with a new type of immunotherapy drug, increased vaccine effectiveness in mice with prostate cancer, according to a new study by UW Carbone Cancer Center scientists. Dr. Douglas McNeel, the study’s lead author, said the “proof of concept study” sets the stage for a human trial of the combination therapy, which began this week when the first patient received the vaccine.

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U.S. Senators Urge Study On Future Education Needs

WISCONSINREPORT.COM [WiscReport.com] (07/30/2015) – Wisconsin U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, and congressional peers have requested a study to determine the nation’s future education needs. The bipartisan request results in a Commission on Language Learning to examine the current state of U.S. language education to project what the nation’s education needs will be in the future, and to offer recommendations for ways to meet those needs.

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Women Worried About Well Woman Program Downsize

WISCONSINREPORT.COM (06/30/2015) – Under the leadership of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and fellow Republican lawmakers, Wisconsin is downsizing a program affecting thousands of women in the state. The Wisconsin Well Woman Program (WWWP) funding has been reduced, resulting in loss of jobs and healthcare locations to which women have access. The change is effective July 1, 2015.

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