Big 4th and 5th Inning Leads Royall past Necedah 11-0

The Royall Panthers scored 6 runs in the 4th and 5 runs in the 5th to route Necedah 11-0 Monday evening in baseball action.  Royall was led offensively by Bryce Olson who went 3-3 with a pair of runs scored, Landon Kovach went 1-2 with 2 RBI’s.  Nate Vieth pitched 5 shutout innings for the Panthers scattering 4 hits while striking out 8, Vieth also had 3 RBI’s at the plate helping his own cause.  Riley Delconta went 2-2 for Necedah.  The Cardinals drop to 0-3 on the season and 0-2 in Scenic Bluffs Conference action, Royall improves to 4-0 and 2-0 in Conference action.   


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