Dells Clobbers Royall in Woodside League Baseball Opener

The Wisconsin Dells American Legion Post 187 baseball team defeated Royall 10-0 to kick off the summer Woodside League schedule.  The Dells jumped on top with a big 4 run first inning.  Ethan Pope went 2×2 with a pair of RBIs for the Dells.  Nolan Pope went 2×4 with 2runs scored.  Carter Syverson picked up the win pitching 6 scoreless innings scattering 5 hits while striking out 7 and walking none.  Cole Eberhardt went 2×3 for Royall while Trey Wildes went 1×3 with a double.  Royall drops to 0-1 in Woodside League action. 


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