RWD/Mauston Hockey Co-op Buries Avalanche 6-0 at Monks Cheese Burger Classic

The Reedsburg/Wisconsin Dells/Mauston Hockey Co-Op used a flurry of 2nd period goals in a 3 minute span to bury the Holmen/Aquinas Avalanche 6-0.  The Cheavers got a 1st period goal from Clayton Pfaff to take a 1-0 lead heading to the 2nd period.  Clayton scored the first goal of the 2nd period as well to make it 2-0 and the cheavers answered with 2 more goals in the ensuing minutes to take a 4-0 lead a lead they would hold into the 3rd period.  The third period was dominated once again by RWD/Mauston as Danny Ely added a pair of goal to create the final score of 6-0.  Cooper Oakes made the most of the few chances he had getting the shutout in goal for the Cheavers.  RWD/Mauston will take on Mcfarland who hammered Tomah 8-1 in the winners’ bracket semi-finals Friday night.  That game will begin just after 7pm and can be heard on NOW92oneFM and


Other scores from the Dells Hockey Tournament

DeForest 4 Greendale 0

Wisconsin Rapids 6 Madison East 2

McFarland 8 Tomah/Sparta 1


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