Western Technical College to Host Annual Open House

Western Technical College will host its annual college-wide open house event on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the La Crosse, Black River Falls, Independence, Mauston, Tomah and Viroqua locations.

Program and admissions information, facility tours, refreshments, and door prizes will be available at each location. The residence hall in La Crosse will be open for tours and wait list sign up. The college will be waiving the $30 application fee for those who apply during the open house. The offer is available to high school seniors and older, who wish to apply to attend Western in spring, summer and fall 2018.

At the La Crosse main campus, all activities will be held in the Lunda Center, 319 7th St. N. There will be representatives from student services, clubs and organizations, and four-year universities that accept Western credits.  Financial aid (FAFSA) filing for the 2018-2019 school year will also be available at the La Crosse main campus only. Your 2016 tax return is needed to complete the application on site.

The Vehicle Technology Center, 2719 Larson St., La Crosse, which houses the Automotive Technician and Truck and Heavy Equipment Technician programs, will be open for program information and facility tours.

The public is invited to attend anytime during the open house events. For details on activities, visit www.westerntc.edu/openhouse. For more information about additional Western Technical College programs and services, call 608.785.9200 or visit the website at www.westerntc.edu.

Source: WRJC.com

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