Marklein Authors Bill for $9.7 Million Increase to Sparsity Aid

State Senator Howard Marklein announced that he has authored a bill with a $9.7 million increase to the Sparsity Aid program for rural schools. The bill is co-authored by Representative Jeff Mursau. It mirrors the increase that was removed from the Governor’s budget proposal by the Joint Finance Committee during budget deliberations. Marklein said sparsity aid is an important funding program that helps small, rural school districts.

“This bill invests $9.7 million to increase the sparsity aid program and provides rural schools with support that they desperately need,” said Marklein.

School districts with fewer than 745 students and less than 10 pupils per square mile currently qualify for $300 per pupil in sparsity aid. The bill would increase sparsity aid from $300 to $400 per pupil. It also creates a second tier for slightly larger school districts who will receive $100 per pupil. Governor Scott Walker on Tuesday said he supports the bill.


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