2017 City of Mauston Fall Clean-Up
Oct. 16th, 17th, 18th
Mauston’s residential fall cleanup will be handled on Oct. 16th, 17th, 18th. Items are to be placed curbside for pick-up on your REGULAR GARBAGE PICK-UP DAY BY 7 AM.
- Garbage/Trash: Must be in clear bags or in a container of 50 pounds or less.
- Appliances “White Goods”: City crews will collect stoves, washers, dryers, water heaters, etc.
- Furniture: Lenorud Services will collect larger furniture items, such as sofas, chairs, tables, etc.
- Glass: Window glass must be removed from the frames and placed in a trashcan or box.
- Mattresses and Box Springs: Must have a pre-paid sticker attached. Purchase stickers directly through Lenorud Services
- Appliances containing Freon: Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Must have a pre-paid sticker attached. Purchase stickers directly through Lenorud Services
- Electronics: Computers/TVs/printers/scanners/home copiers/microwaves WILL NOT be picked up curbside. Take these items to Lenorud Services for recycling, or call for special pickup arrangements.
Items that CANNOT be picked-up
The following items CANNOT be placed for pick-up at any time: tires, batteries, brick, rock, concrete, large quantities of remodeling/construction debris, used oil, paint-stains-varnish-etc., in a liquid state.
Trash may not be placed at the curb more than 24 hours before your normal pick up day. Trash must be bagged or containerized properly or it will not be picked up. For additional information on trash, recycling, electronics disposal, or special pickups, contact Lenorud Services, 608-847-2147, or www.lenorudservices.com
Note: It is illegal to bring garbage into the City of Mauston that is not produced by Mauston City residents. Fines will be issued.
Source: WRJC.com
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