1 Billion Websites, 3 Billion Users and More Internet Stats
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (09/21/2014) [Internet] – Internet Live Stats records every website, blog post and tweet that appears online, and the site claims the number of websites has now surpassed over a billion. The figure, and the official date, still need to be verified. Internet Live Stats adds, 75 per cent of the websites are not currently active, but have been registered, and parked.
Other pieces of internet trivia: There are something like, nearly Three Billion Internet Users, 147 Billion Emails sent daily, nearly 2.8 Billion Searches are done through Google daily, 2.5 Million Blog Posts are written daily, and 468 Million Tweets are sent daily.
You can see what is purported to be a live list of statistics in various categories. The statistics are, supposedly, being updated as you look at them. Take a look at their website at Internet Live Stats, and, see for yourself.
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