Tomah Police Department Seeking Help on Local Property Damage
The Tomah Police Department says community eyes and ears are needed. Tomah Park and Rec has been seeing an increase of property damage in and around parks, especially Winnebago. Just recently a porta-potty was pushed into the lake, a dumpster was tipped over spilling contents onto the ground, and the worst, two baby geese were ran over by a vehicle and killed. This behavior cannot be tolerated, so please contact the police department as soon as possible.
Any person engaged in the harassment, disturbance, or pursuit of wildlife outside a specifically authorized event, may be subject to fines up to $303.30. In this particular case there could be an additional fine for each goose in the amount of $26.25.
In the event you see a potential violation similar to the harassment of wildlife, we ask that you notify WI DNR Warden Matt Modjeski @ 608.633.0657.
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