Mauston Man Taken Into Custody After Hit and Run

A Mauston man was arrested after a hit and run accident Thursday in the City of Mauston. Mauston Police said in a release, they were dispatched for a hit and run in the area of Elm Street and West State Street with severe damage to an unoccupied vehicle, a stop sign broken, and a fire hydrant completely knocked over. An officer arrived on scene while another officer started in the direction of the suspected vehicle. The vehicle drove about six miles at a high rate of speed trying to flee the scene of the crash. Due to the vehicle missing the right front tire as a result of the traffic crash, a rut was created by the wheel on the roadway as the offender fled the scene. The officer looking for the suspect vehicle was able to follow the rut in the roadway until the suspect vehicle was located. The vehicle stopped and the officer made contact with the driver, 19-year-old James Duran. Duran was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Jail. Duran was tentatively charged with Bail Jumping and placed on a Probation hold. Duran has also been issued several citations for traffic violations that occurred from this incident.


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