Jon Erpenbach – Would out-of-state drivers really pay $73 million under Evers' gas tax plan?
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Would out-of-state drivers really pay $73 million under Evers’ gas tax plan?
Are Wisconsin drivers missing out on help from out-of-state drivers when it comes to repairing state highways? That’s the gist of a claim made by state Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-West Point, during the debate over the state budget. He noted an increased gas tax that was proposed by Gov. Tony Evers — and subsequently rejected by Republican lawmakers — would bring in additional money. "If out-of-state drivers paid (the) gas tax, they would contribute $73 million to fix our roads," Erpenbach tweeted June 6, 2019. Erpenbach’s tweet was prompted by action by the GOP-controlled Joint Finance Committee, which inserted …
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